The Midnight show [This weeks' Photo Journal]

Yuki's gorgeous friend, Nessie
 Strawberry Oreo-bottom cupcakes

 New Stock! Oh and that's Dave in the background.

This week was pretty busy...okay really busy. Busy like I had trouble keeping my eyes open busy. That being said though, this week was also pretty productive, which is always a good thing when you've got this much on your plate. Got up early a bunch of times to finish my Red Bull hacks...I think I make an awesome bell hop, and an even better delivery girl. Met the first set of requirements for thesis, and started my internship with Dr. Martens Philippines. We got a lot of new stock this week, and unboxing all of those new shoes made my heart jump a lot. Have I mentioned how much I love my jobs? (yeah, both of em.) Cause cheese and fries, I really do!

On-set with Syf and the rest of the team

 Juvenile intern boredom

 good luck getting out, guy
 My buddy Joey who runs a stall at Mercato

Saturday did me in though. Got up at dawn to do the hair and makeup for a not-so-top-secret shoot. We worked with this kid...who I kinda wanted to sock in the face. Just kinda. Left the shoot later that afternoon to come into work. DMs is heading a Bootleg series Bar tour this month, so duty called. For this Saturday's leg of the tour Bianca and I were in charge of manning the entrance and whatnot. We got bored and ended up attacking each other with entrance stamps! It was a pretty cool shindig; nothing fancy, just really good local music. Left the gig early and met up with Daluz and Bettina. I convinced Daluz to take us to Mercato for late night road-side Thai Teas, which after the week I've had, is all sorts of smoky, sweet Heaven. (A word to the wise: If you should find yourself having to calm me down, talk to me. Tell me stories and buy me Thai Iced tea. I promised I'll stop yelling, and you'll walk away with a free hug.) I was alive the rest of the night, but my brain turned to mush on the drive home and I passed out dead on my bed. Came into work the next day and sold some shoes. Thumbs up for first-time sales and busy weeks.

The Killers reference.


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