Lachrymose: week 2 photo journal

The Morning Buns at La Farine are AMAZING.

Climbing at Iron works gym. A room full of hollow rock walls? Paradise.

saw this, and thought of Bob.

OMG candy!

There is no one word to describe this week. It was too much of a mixed bag. Not complaining though. I think I really liked this week. Got a lot done.
Gab and I took the Bart to Oakland and didn't get lost. We then chased a cop and went rock climbing at Berkeley Iron works with a couple of old friends. A room full of rock walls? Paradise. Although my body hella HURT the rest of the week. I went shopping. And I spent time alone in the city. I ate. A lot. A lohohot. Oh! and I got in line and saw The Avengers movie on opening night! It was a Hulk-punching-Thor time. Then we stayed out waaay past curfew and got in trouble. This week was awesome. 


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